SE "Scientific and Production Complex "Iskra" continues to fulfill the State Defense Order and foreign contracts, regardless KIT Ltd. attempts to block the production process by fake accusations. This was announced by the enterprise representatives.
"We keep working in a usual mode, fulfilling our obligations to Ukrainian and foreign partners. The company "KIT" – suspected of committing a range of criminal offenses – tries to disrupt our work by putting forward senseless accusations of violation of authors’ and inventors’ rights. But these attempts do not affect the production process," - said "Iskra" representatives.
According to internal information, KIT Ltd. – which is currently under investigation – wants to deprive SE "Iskra" of the opportunity to produce important military equipment, accusing it of non-payment of royalties (payment for the use of the patented invention).
The invention – mentioned above – is used in military equipment manufacture, in particular – radar stations 36D6M1-1 and 36D6M1-2.
According to the same information, KIT Ltd. is a fictitious firm, with which the former management of the company entered into agreement, aiming for funds withdrawal. The court declared this agreement invalid, because KIT Ltd. did not meet UKROBORONPROM requirements, had no UOP accreditation and has nothing to do with the defense complex of Ukraine.
The pre-trial investigation into the allocation of funds by former Iskra employees is currently proceeding through their withdrawal into the accounts of KIT Ltd., as well as the study of the production capability of KIT Ltd. to carry out appropriate developments. It is suspected that LLC “KIT” is not entitled to patents it had registered.
In addition, the term of validity of the patents of KIT Ltd. had been suspended since 2012, which means that "Iskra" did not have to pay for using those. The whole time, development was carried out by "Iskra" specialists, so KIT Ltd. can not claim the authorship of inventions and patents.
State-owned enterprise "Scientific and Production Complex "Iskra" is the leading developer and manufacturer of ground radar equipment for the defense complex of Ukraine. It is one of UOP enterprises.

Ukroboronprom official website