In August, within the programme of ground tests of the AN−178, tests of loading/unloading of light wheeled self−propelled vehicles were performed.
The tests were performed using three HMMWVs М1097А2. The designed characteristics of driving the vehicles in and out the cargo cabin, their accommodation and lashing inside the cabin.
«At present, certification tests of the AN−178 is one of the main tasks for our enterprise. We are testing the aircraft in accordance with requirements of European CS−25 norms. We have firm orders for delivery of 10 such airplanes to airlines of Azerbaijan. Works on the aircraft series production was launched at ANTONOV Series plant», −− said Oleksandr Kotsiuba, President of ANTONOV Company.
Until today the AN−178 performed about 100 flights with total duration of 160 hours.
Nowadays, the aircraft is preparing to continue flight tests. Besides, it is planned to conduct tests of loading/unloading containerized and palletized cargoes.
AntonovCompany official web-site