At this moment the International Volunteer Community InformNapalm is a well-established online resource which presents its own investigations and provides reports about the Russian aggression in Ukraine and Syria.
The community of volunteers carefully gathers, analyzes and presents the facts of the Russian army’s participation in the undeclared war in Donbas. Besides the intelligence work who do the open source investigations (based on the videos and photos, satellite pictures and social network profiles). A great role in our community is played by the volunteer-translators, who translate the information we gather into 29 languages. Our volunteer project appears to be a kind of a network between the variety of people of different professions, political views, nationalities and religions from all across the world.
English (EN) - https://informnapalm.org/en/
Deutsch (DE) - https://informnapalm.org/de/
Українська (UA) - https://informnapalm.org/ua/
Русский (RU) - https://informnapalm.org/
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Беларуская (BY) - https://informnapalm.org/by/
Български (BG) - https://informnapalm.org/bg/
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Svenska (SV) - https://informnapalm.org/sv/
Norsk (NO) - https://informnapalm.org/no/
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Čeština (CZ) - https://informnapalm.org/cz/
العربية (AR) - https://informnapalm.org/ar/
Türkçe (TR) - https://informnapalm.org/tr/
Português (PT) - https://informnapalm.org/pt/
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At this moment the International Volunteer Community InformNapalm is a well-established online resource which presents its own investigations and provides reports about the Russian aggression in Ukraine and Syria.
The community of volunteers carefully gathers, analyzes and presents the facts of the Russian army’s participation in the undeclared war in Donbas. Besides the intelligence work who do the open source investigations (based on the videos and photos, satellite pictures and social network profiles). A great role in our community is played by the volunteer-translators, who translate the information we gather into 29 languages. Our volunteer project appears to be a kind of a network between the variety of people of different professions, political views, nationalities and religions from all across the world.
English (EN) - https://informnapalm.org/en/
Deutsch (DE) - https://informnapalm.org/de/
Українська (UA) - https://informnapalm.org/ua/
Русский (RU) - https://informnapalm.org/
Français (FR) - https://informnapalm.org/fr/
Español (ES) - https://informnapalm.org/es/
Беларуская (BY) - https://informnapalm.org/by/
Български (BG) - https://informnapalm.org/bg/
Polska (PL) - https://informnapalm.org/pl/
Svenska (SV) - https://informnapalm.org/sv/
Norsk (NO) - https://informnapalm.org/no/
Dansk (DK) - https://informnapalm.org/dk/
Čeština (CZ) - https://informnapalm.org/cz/
العربية (AR) - https://informnapalm.org/ar/
Türkçe (TR) - https://informnapalm.org/tr/
Português (PT) - https://informnapalm.org/pt/
Slovenský (SK) - https://informnapalm.org/sk/
Lietùvių (LT) - https://informnapalm.org/lt/
Nederlands (NL) - https://informnapalm.org/nl/
Italiano (IT) - https://informnapalm.org/it/
ქართული (GE) - https://informnapalm.org/ge/
Română (RO) - https://informnapalm.org/ro/
Magyar (HU) - https://informnapalm.org/hu/
Ελληνικά (EL) - https://informnapalm.org/el/
Azərbaycan (AZ) - https://informnapalm.org/az/
Татарча (TAT) - https://informnapalm.org/tat/
日本語 (JP) - https://informnapalm.org/jp/
中文 (CN) - https://informnapalm.org/cn/
한국어 (KR) - https://informnapalm.org/kr/