AutoKrAZ considers stable position, reservation of jobs, staff and respect for social obligations its main outcome of the previous year.
2016 became another year sent to try the company. AutoKrAZ, the only domestic manufacturer of trucks in Ukraine with complete production cycle has withstood these trials with dignity.
One of the milestone events of the previous year was certification of Quality Management System to ISO / TS 16949:2009 Quality management systems - Particular requirementsfor the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations. Issue of this certificate made it possible for AutoKrAZ to join world automotive community. In order to get this certificate intensive efforts have been taken by all the subdivisions of the automobile plant to meet up-to-date requirements of world automotive industry and the company has undergone two audits carried out by certification company DEKRA (Germany).
Adding new models developed and built by the company according to Development Plan is, no doubt, very important result achieved due to staff efforts in 2016. Amidst lack of funding, slump in demand, austerity and other factors that negatively affect production resulting from worsened crisis the company managed to build a lineup of new vehicles for municipal and road maintenance companies, defence and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, SES. The lineup includes the KrAZ-5401С2 light-duty dump truck, the KrAZ-Hulk armored vehicle, the KrAZ-5401Н2 medium-duty chassis cab truck, the КrAZ-5401НЕ off road chassis truck, trencher based on the KrAZ-5233НЕ armored chassis cab truck, the КrАZ-5233НЕ mine clearance armored vehicle, The КrАZ-Spartan driverless vehicle, etc.
In 2016 AutoKrAZ saw increase in production of the following vehicles as compared to 2015: semi-trailers – up 20%, trailers – up 47%, castings - up 20%, spare parts – up 3%. Export and domestic sales account for 53% and 47% respectively, almost equal parts.
The list of the company’s main outcomes contains improvement of social standards. Throughout the previous year AutoKrAZ raised wages four times. To preserve and develop workforce capacity, employ, secure and adapt young workers and employees at KrAZ the company put in force Regulations on financial incentives for young workers and recent graduates who came to work at KrAZ that provide for benefits and compensations. Regulations also provide for compensation of meals in the company’s canteen for young workers during first year of work amounting to UAH 15 per day and fringe benefits amounting to 20% and up to half minimum wage quarterly.
Despite severe shortage of funding KrAZ made a gift to Kremenchug, its residents and palace of Culture KrAZ on occasion of its 65th anniversary. Shareholders of AutoKrAZ resolved to refurbish this historic monument. Many planned works have been made within specified time limits and will be done in this year.
In 2016, intensive efforts were taken to improve quality; many measures aimed at improving reliability of KrAZ trucks were taken throughout the year.
In 2017 AutoKrAZ plans to build 1200 vehicles. This figure is supported by requests and agreements; the company hopes to increase it due to more intensive efforts of sales departments. This year the company plans to reduce costs of products, improve production efficiency and quality of products and create new models of KrAZ trucks.
The previous year finished on a working note, the company has everything required for successful start.
AutoKrAZ Private Company official web-site