Specialists from Ukroboronprom's Artem SJSHC, and the State Research Institute of Chemical Products, have successfully conducted the first stage of tests of prototypes of a fuel-air explosive warhead with a platter charge for the RS-80 unguided missile.
The warhead is equipped with a thermobaric mixture with a negative oxygen balance. During its combustion in the blast zone (at least 4–5m radius) the temperature reaches more than 1500°C and a sharp pressure drop comes up – over 2 bars.
The shock wave, which does not move in a straight line, provides effective defeat of targets, those indoor ones as well. In addition to the main thermobaric charge, the warhead is equipped with a shock core, which allows defeating lightly armored vehicles, walls of buildings and shelters: up to 40mm of homogeneous armor, up to 200mm of reinforced concrete and up to 500mm of brick.

The results obtained during the tests open wide opportunities for the application technologies of the warhead not only for unguided, but also for guided weapon of destruction.

Sources: Ukroboronprom