
The Main Military Medical Department and Project Office of Reforms at the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (Medicine) have developed the Order No.6 “On software elements, telecommunications, server equipment, automated working stations, and documents of e-Health system” signed on January 3, 2018.
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine official website

The Main Military Medical Department and Project Office of Reforms at the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (Medicine) have developed the Order No.6 “On software elements, telecommunications, server equipment, automated working stations, and documents of e-Health system” signed on January 3, 2018.
Its operative management will have been assigned to National Military Clinical Centre ‘Main Military Clinical Hospital’, Zaporijia Military Hospital and Main Communications and Information Systems Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by March 24, 2018.
This system will contribute to increase of quality of medical support within the Ukrainian army.

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine official website