“One the most important phases of logistics reforms within the Ukrainian army based on NATO standards is the implementation of new principles in Operations Command ‘Zakhid’ (West) and Air Command ‘Zakhid’ including transfer of logistic authorities to the mentioned military command structures”, Major General Ivan Havryliuk, Chief of Logistics — Deputy Chief of General Staff, informed during a briefing.
According to the officer, the authorities will be transferred to the lower levels under the NATO standards. In February and March, Logistics Command, logistics directorates of Armed Forces services, operations command and air commands are expected to be formed.
The implementation will be initiated during the period from April through July, then following its results, the organizational structures of operations and air commands will be amended. The legal and regulatory logistics framework in line with NATO standards and principles and considering the ATO experience should be developed during this period.
The Logistics Command authorities will achieve their capabilities in 2018 — 2019. The future logistic support system will be organized at three levels — strategic, operations, and tactical and will cover all the aspects.

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine official website