By the decree of the Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov, at the first stage of salary rise in 2022, pay of all categories of medical workers in the defence sphere were increased.
The increased salaries will be paid starting from February, 1 2022.
“At the end of the previous year the budget of the MoD was increased by 2.5 billion hryvnas. As I stressed before, this money will be put into the first stage of salary rising in the defence sphere. The issue is of the highest importance for me. With an instruction of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, together with the Cabinet of Ministers and Verkhovna Rada, we are looking for a solution. The pay increase for medics is the first step. By the end of the month there will have been several more such sectoral steps within the first stage. The strategic guideline is set in the Presidential Decree, a model of the systemic salary reformation that will be synchronized with the staff reform in the defence sphere is being worked on. Our goal is to launch these reforms in 2023. But during 2022 we will take gradual steps towards making servicemen’s salary worthy and competitive in the economy. Decision have already been made concerning several military specialties that require special training and qualification. The document will be published in the coming days, but increase salaries will be paid from February 1,” said the Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov.
In particular, in 2022 527.9 million hryvnas will be allocated to increase funding for military doctors. 88.6 million hryvnas is provided for increased payments to civilian medical workers on military offices. More than 400 million hryvnas is provided for increased payments to civilian medics on nonmilitary offices in the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
From January 1, a doctor in the army will be paid from 20.000 hryvnas. Specialist with basic and unfinished higher medical education will receive from 13.500 hryvnas.
It should be noted that the social tension in the Ukrainian army is growing due to the next postponement of the increase in military salaries, especially against the background of increasing salaries for National Guards, Border Guards and Police.
The military began to register petitions addressed to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky demanding an immediate increase in salaries for servicemen.