The fire-fighting tank GPM-72, manufactured by Lviv Armored Plant SE, is approved to operation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This decision was made by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine after successful completion of departmental tests.
This decision means that from now on the GPM-72 – in the case of a corresponding order from the Ministry of Defense – will be operated by the Army. Due to this, Ukrainian fighters will receive the most advanced fire-fighting tanks in Ukraine.
The fire-fighting tank GPM-72 was created on the initiative and at the own expense of the "Lviv Armored Plant". It is intended for emergency rescue operations in warehouses, arsenals, storage facilities of explosive products.
The GPM-72 is equipped with a fire fighting reservoir with a capacity of 20 tons, a modern fire pump and a mount, allowing to extinguish fire at the distance of up to 100 meters. The vehicle has enhanced passability and crew protection from various types of ammunition and fire. 30-mm armor protects the rescuers, the cabin has a filter-ventilator unit and the system of pouring water over the cabin to reduce its temperature.
The GPM-72 had already been used for fire suppression at the ammunition depot in Vinnytsya Region in September 2017, having proved its high effectiveness.

Ukroboronprom official website